FAQ is an acronym for Frequently Asked Questions

Who makes this thing happen?

  • The Papa Pandas of BW in conjunction with the 5th grade class. Not to forget we also have a wonderful DJ and a generous BW staff that allow this to happen, provide the facilities, and people help setup/clean up.

Who’s invited?

  • Any student grades 3-5. Why is it only grades 3-5? This is a mutual decision between the panda prom organizers and the school administrators to limit the attendance, and to also have something for the younger grades to look forward to in the future.

Is this a dance for students to bring other students as a date?

  • No. This is a spirit event in which the student will be bringing an adult guardian as their accompanying person.

If I have 2 children, one in grades 3-5 and one not, can I bring both?

  • No, this is for students grade 3-5.

What do I wear?

  • There is NO formal requirement to dress up. Let the kids have fun. From sneakers to salsa, and from waltz to hip-hop, the clothing doesn’t make up the moves. Dress as you would for a fun school event with comfort enough to get the wiggles out and let the dancing make the impression.

Is this a “drop off” event?

  • No. Each student must have an accompanying guardian.

Is there a charge for Panda Prom?

  • No. The Papa Pandas are passionate about making this free of charge.

Will there be snack or food available?

  • There will be food available for purchase, prepared by the 5th grade class. All revenue from the food goes toward the fifth grade class (and future 5th grade classes)

Will there be a DJ?

  • Yes! We will have an amazing DJ at Panda Prom.

Do we need to stay the whole time?

  • No, you may come and go as you please as long as you take your children with you when you leave.

What else will be at Panda Prom?

  • There will be photo booths and glow sticks. Donations will be accepted for both and will go toward putting on future Panda Proms.