This is the who is who of the Papa Panda world today (Note: This list may or may not include people wishing to remain anonymous or have been added for special consideration in some form or another because we work with them and keep them in the know). We may have also omitted the rich and famous intentionally due to paparazzi concerns, and or alum of the group so they can move on to their next school or life stage in peace. Note: Once a VIP (Very important panda) or Papa Panda, always a VIP… this list is NEVER the bigger picture just a sample.

Primary Contacts

  • Nicholas Duran
  • Adam Mark
  • Brett Yokom
  • Rex Garver

List of the Crew


  • Adam Mark
  • Adam Pearce
  • Andrew Sullivan
  • Antoni Hanus
  • Augie Hernandez
  • Ben Fiore
  • Blair Soper
  • Brad Ouellet
  • Brett Thomason
  • Brett Yokom
  • Chris Ellison 
  • Chris Willbanks
  • Cory Cabral
  • Daiju Yoshino
  • David Kacsur
  • Eric Stern
  • Exxes Hauffen
  • Gabriel Ceballos 
  • Hamid  Makmalchi
  • Hunter Van Nuis


  • James Aldo
  • James Scott
  • Jamie Orose
  • Jason Hlebakos
  • Jason Prieto
  • Jay  Luera
  • Jeff Hammett
  • Jeff Macmaster
  • Jerry Jimenez
  • Jesse Bandle
  • John Alston
  • Jon Maxwell
  • Josh Lee
  • Josh Ruse
  • Joshua Merrill
  • Judson Price
  • Justin Gross
  • Keith Cross
  • Ken Overton
  • Kenneth Ragle
  • Kevin Kirkland 
  • Kevin Rynearson 
  • Kristy Ceballos


  • Marc Mizuta
  • Mark Rushton
  • Matt Veverka
  • Mike Borger
  • Mike Erickson
  • Miles Timpson
  • Nicholas Duran
  • Nick Centera
  • Nicole Ramos
  • Nitin Bajaj
  • Phil Rowland
  • Rex Garver
  • Ryne Reeves
  • Saurabh Gupta
  • Sean Sedgwick
  • Shai Immergut
  • Stephen Seefeldt
  • Susi Willoughby
  • Tj Morton
  • Tony Bonds
  • Troy Compton

Crew we commonly orchestrate with or inform for our events

  • Mindy Ahrens – Principal
  • Katherine Collins – Foundation
  • Dev Watson – Music, DJ, Media
  • Lakia Browne – PTA/Equity
  • Lindsey Wishard – PTA
  • As needed
    • + Staff & Faculty
    • + Custodial Staff (Daniel, Adrian)
    • + Associated Volunteers